Revista Chilena de Salud Pública 2024-04-12T14:29:45+00:00 Álvaro Lefio Open Journal Systems Public health; Medicine; Chile; Journal After fifty year, texts for remembrance 2024-04-08T15:17:33+00:00 Jorge Gaete 2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Chilena de Salud Pública Perception of disease, habits, and healthy lifestyles: a challenge for the control of arterial hypertension in Latin america 2024-04-08T16:17:56+00:00 A. J. Lora-Mantilla C. Cáceres-Ramírez L. A. Parra-Gómez P. A. Camacho <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Arterial hypertension perception is a key factor for disease control. Also, the personal beliefs and practices of each patient can influence it. We aimed to determine the perception of hypertension and healthy habits in Latin American hypertensive patients, using a scoping review methodology.</p> <p><strong>Materials and methods:</strong> We conducted a scoping review by using three databases, namely PubMed, BIREME, and Scopus. Two independent researchers carried out the selection process blindly. We adopted a narrative approach to summarize the findings of the chosen studies.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> There is a significant lack of awareness about the disease in all aspects. While patients understand the significance of both pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments, they do not possess enough knowledge about their condition. Moreover, social and emotional factors play a vital role in ensuring that patients adhere to the prescribed treatment.</p> <p><strong>Discussion:</strong> The improvement of health education in primary care is paramount in enhancing patient knowledge of diseases and consequently improving their control. Stakeholders and health personnel play pivotal roles in this regard as they can impart knowledge to patients on their disease to improve their management.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Chilena de Salud Pública Family support for people with cardiovascular diseases In the PHC of Río Negro, Chile. An emerging public health problem 2024-04-10T19:14:17+00:00 Sergio Hernán Bermedo Muñoz Nataly Raquel Oyarzún Vargas Cristina Isabel Cid Saldivia Antonio Alejandro Vargas Peña <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> This study describes family support for patients enrolled in the Cardiovascular Health Program at primary healthcare facilities in Río Negro district.</p> <p><strong>Materials and methods:</strong> Qualitative, exploratory-descriptive study. It is mixed in terms of data collection techniques with a non-probabilistic sampling by convenience and analysis based on Grounded Theory.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Patients who are being treated for cardiovascular diseases are often people with low levels of education, who belong to households with lower incomes and are more socially vulnerable. They don’t necessarily have family support, but manage to achieve adequate levels of cardiovascular compensation. The study shows that this type of long-term illness affects the progression of the life cycle, family structure and functionality, which in turn generates significant impact on the physical and psychosocial health of the primary caregiver.</p> <p><strong>Discussion:</strong> After conducting our research, we found that family support plays a crucial role in the beliefs, knowledge, and emotional well-being of family members dealing with chronic cardiovascular conditions. Consequently, both sociodemographic characteristics and family functionality are relevant areas that must be incorporated into care, collaborative care and self-management of symptoms, treatment and changes in the lifestyle of patients under control for cardiovascular diseases.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Chilena de Salud Pública Effectiveness of influenza vaccines in elderly in the Ñuble region, years 2015, 2017 and 2019 2024-04-11T16:38:00+00:00 Brenda Tapia Carlos Weitzel Jessica Inzunza Josefina Weitzel Carmen Luz Muñoz-Mendoza <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Vaccines are highly effective in reducing the morbidity and mortality caused by infectious diseases, especially in the general population and higher risk groups. This study aims to evaluate the coverage of influenza vaccination in people aged 65 years and older in the Ñuble Region during the years 2015, 2017, and 2019, in relation to mortality caused by respiratory failure and pneumonia.</p> <p><strong>Materials and methods:</strong> Ecological design. This study included people aged 65 years and over who received flu vaccination between March and August in the years 2015, 2017, and 2019, as well as people in the same age group who died due to respiratory failure and pneumonia during the same period. The researchers used databases from the National Immunization Registry and mortality records from the Civil Registry Service for the study. Descriptive analyzes and linear regression models were performed with the statistical program SPSS v. 23.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> 125,056 people were included. The mean age was 74.8±7.26, the age group with the highest percentage of vaccination was 65 to 69 years, and vaccination coverage was 61.87, 62.55, and 72.97 for 2015, 2017, and 2019, respectively. <strong>Discussion:</strong> As influenza vaccination coverage increases, respiratory failure and pneumonia mortality decreases in people aged 65 and over. Evaluating vaccination coverage is critical to implementing interventions that allow increasing coverage percentages.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Chilena de Salud Pública Experiences of psychotherapeutic care for victims-survivors of human rights violations after the Social Outbreak in the cities of Santiago and Valparaíso 2024-04-11T17:36:05+00:00 Ximena Faúndez Natalia Alarcón Marcela Castro Hellen Lefiqueo Macarena Romo Daniel Sanz <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> This article discusses the psychotherapeutic care experiences of victims who survived human rights violations during the Social Outbreak in Santiago and Valparaíso, Chile.</p> <p><strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> The study was conducted in 2021, two years after the Social Outbreak, using a qualitative methodology. Data production was conducted by conducting semi-structured interviews with six psychology professionals who provided care to victims and survivors of human rights violations. Data analysis was carried out using Grounded Theory.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The primary findings indicate the emotional impact on professionals following psychotherapeutic care. Professionals faced this experience as a challenge on a personal and professional level, since it was developed in an adverse political scenario and without specific professional training.</p> <p><strong>Discussions:</strong> This meant that the care was given as a result of an individual commitment of an ethical-political nature to human rights, accounting for shortcomings in academic training in psychology and gaps in mental health care in Chile.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Chilena de Salud Pública Macrozone and educational environment as factors associated with gender violence in Mapuche women of Chile 2024-04-11T19:42:35+00:00 Andy Antipichún Camila Poblete Teresita Rocha-Jiménez <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Gender violence is a serious public health problem, due to its extensión magnitude and consequences. This phenomenon disproportionately affects women belonging to ethnic minorities. Objective: Determine frequency and factors associated with gender violence in Mapuche women in Chile in 2020.</p> <p><strong>Materials and methods:</strong> Cross-sectional analytical observational study. The data comes from the IV National Survey of Domestic Violence and Sexual Crimes in Chile (2020). Descriptive statistics were used to characterize the study sample (n=7735), bivariate statistics to analyze the types and environment of gender violence, and a multivariate model to adjust for variables of interest.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> 52.9% (OR:1.76; CI:1.37-2.26) of Mapuche women reported general violence (physical, sexual and psychological) during their lives, compared to 39.7% of non Mapuche women. Mapuche women have a lower probability (OR:0.15; CI:0.03-0.78) of suffering violence in the educational environment, and the Macrozone variable increases violence in Mapuche women (OR:1.76; CI :1.37-2.26).</p> <p><strong>Discussion:</strong> Mapuche women report greater gender violence than non-Mapuche women, which is associated with the macrozone variable.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Chilena de Salud Pública Salvador allende, a health politician 2024-04-11T20:48:07+00:00 Carlos Madariaga A. A la hora de los homenajes ¿a quién homenajeamos en este cincuentenario?, ¿quién fue realmente Salvador Allende?, ¿qué lo posiciona en una condición de indiscutida figura histórica?, ¿qué lo hace sujeto y objeto de la salud pública chilena? Interrogantes que nos interpelan al reconocimiento de sentido y significado de lo que fue este representante de la historia social del pueblo chileno en el siglo XX y que nos convoca hoy a reflexionar acerca de los alcances de su obra, sus aportes a la construcción de la medicina social chilena, su legado en términos de producción de políticas públicas, diseños programáticos, inversiones estructurales, formación de técnicos y profesionales, su contribución al soporte financiero asociado a la expansión y complejización de la red pública de salud, etc. Una figura tan potente como la de este hombre, que luchó por observar, interpretar y modificar el tránsito entre la vida, la enfermedad y la muerte desde el diálogo entre ciencia, economía y política, entre ciencias de la salud y ciencias sociales, inevitablemente despertó algunos estereotipos acerca de su identidad. Una constante asociada a la configuración de la mayoría de las distorsiones identitarias de que fue permanente objeto ha sido la de una figura escindida en dos personajes, al modo de las dos caras del Dios Jano. Uno de estos constructos, quizás el más popular y reconocido, ajeno a odiosidades y estigmas ideologizantes, es aquel que pone en diálogo al político popular, al líder histórico de un proyecto transformativo de la sociedad, el “compañero Allende”, con el “Dr. Salvador Allende”, profesional médico forjador de políticas públicas en salud, fundador de instituciones sanitarias con enfoque social. 2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Chilena de Salud Pública Dialogue on the social medical thought of Salvador Allende 2024-04-11T20:54:33+00:00 Ana María Oyarce Se puede afirmar que las bases fundamentales que determinan el bienestar y el progreso de los pueblos son precisamente un buen estándar de vida, condiciones sanitarias adecuadas y amplia difusión de la cultura en los medios populares…el hombre en sociedad no es un ente abstracto: nace, se desarrolla, vive, trabaja, se reproduce, enferma y muere en sujeción estricta al ambiente que lo rodea. Esa frase del Dr Salvador Allende G, escrita en 1939 en su obra la Realidad Médico Social Chilena, condensa el pensamiento médico social del Dr. Allende. Si bien fue plasmada hace 84 años es absolutamente vigente en los enfoques y teorías de la nueva salud pública y la salud colectiva. Como salubrista su pensamiento y obra está marcada por la coherencia, consecuencia y lo innovador de sus planteamientos Esta manera de pensar la salud se fue forjando desde que era estudiante de medicina y hacía su práctica en el manicomio, ya en ese tiempo vinculaba la locura, el alcoholismo con las condiciones de vida miserable y también pobreza o lo insuficiente de la atención médica. 2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Chilena de Salud Pública Overview of organ transplantation and measures to improve the organ donation rate in Chile 2024-04-11T21:04:53+00:00 Alonso Bolbarán 2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Chilena de Salud Pública Protecting the mental health of the international migrant population in Chile 2024-04-11T21:30:30+00:00 Alice Blukacz Báltica Cabieses Alexandra Obach Alejandra Carreño Edward Mezones-Holguín 2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Chilena de Salud Pública Social conflicts in the upcoming century: what kind of death can we expect? 2024-04-12T14:29:45+00:00 Carlos Madariaga 2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Chilena de Salud Pública