Universidad de Chile´s identity: an hermeneutic task


  • Ana Escríbar Wicks Universidad de Chile


This work briefly exemplifies the characteristics of nihilism with the scene of the madman described by Nietzsche in The Gay Science. Supported by the three levels within civilization distinguished by Ricoeur in Tareas del Educador Político, analyzes the crisis of the historic personality of nations, derived from the globalization process. Starting from the concepts of idem and ipse identities, developed by Ricoeur in Soi Meme comme un Autre, the work shows the interaction of innovation and tradition in the identity of individuals, institutions and nations. Finally it examines the identity of the University of Chile and inspired by the concepts before mentioned and by the hermeneutic processes present in the work of philosophers such as Kant and Habermas, examines de possibility of a hermeneutic of the values that have historically defined that identity.


nihilism, tools, institutions, values, idem identity, ipse identity, hermeneutic