The happy copy of Eden: the glory of an hymn and the tear of the poem


  • Rodrigo Karmy Bolton Universidad de Chile


This essay asks on the performative efects of the chilean hymn, because it names the country as a "happy copy of Eden". Since this problem, the essay asks: how could the copy may posits as the originality of the sovereignity? To solve the distance between the copy and the original and make posible the sovereignity´s operation, the hymn names the copy as "happy". The word "happy" supports the constitution of the sovereignity and reveals the limit of its own imposibility. "Happy" reduce the distance between the copy and the original but, at the same time, absolutely preserve it. That´s why, say that the country is the "happy" copy is the same than to say that is a "unhappy" one, because both words (happy and unhappy) shows the ontological difference between the copy and the original. This essay argues that the word "happy" is a political theological device because repeats the angelical task of manage the divine creation. In theses terms we ask: ¿Is the chilean republican proyect an administrative one? In this light, the essay posits an aporia between the hymn and poem: the hymn constitutes the angelical operator that makes sovereignity posible, the poem constitutes a singular rest that resist it.


sovereignity, angel, hymn, poem