Causality, pseudocausality and phisical measurement


  • Wilfredo Quezada P. Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Luis Pavez F. Universidad de Santiago de Chile


In this paper we show that some received contentions about causal pseudo processes (PSP), processes of which the most salient aspect seems to be travelling faster than the speed of light, must be rejected o seriously modified. Two of such contentions are, first, that PSPs should be considered just "spatiotemporal junk" and, second, that they do not meet, besides allowing us to isolate proper genuine causal processes, any other epistemic or methodological role in the description of a physical state of affair, in particular, in a special relativity (SR) setting. In order to do that, we are going to appeal to physical measure procedures, well known both in classic and relativistic physics. As a consequence of that, we contend that, once PSPs are integrated into the whole physical scenario, a fundamental and more complex role for them in experimental physics is revealed.


causal processes, pseudoprocesses, physical measurement, special relativity, conserved quantities