Arendt´s disturbance: tone and dissent


  • Edgar Tello García Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona


On the one hand, this paper shows how Hannah Arendt’s “tone”, far from being “flippant” or “mocking” –as Scholem suggested in a letter to her—creates a necessary perturbation in order to discover hypocrisy. That is the way to act responsibly to interpret our present and, then, face and write the history. On the other hand, we remark some philosophical concepts that, when used blurredly from different traditions may create a fixed world and people. With Arendt’s mastership we analyze them in order to reenergize them. For this task we use the help of some other philosophers as Fina Birulés or Marina Garcés.


Hannah Arendt, Tone, Moral Philosophy, Responsibility, Compassion, History, Marina Garcés