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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript adheres to the APA (American Psychological Association) style.
  • The text doesn't exceed eight thousand words.
  • The file is in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx).
  • All authors have contributed significantly to the preparation of the manuscript.
  • The manuscript has not been and will not be submitted simultaneously to another journal.
  • All studies conducted in the preparation of this manuscript were approved by a research ethics committee. This approval must be explicitly indicated in the section on participants / subjects.
  • I have completed the manuscript form.
  • References meet one of the following criteria: a) at least one third must have been published in the last two years in refereed journals; b) at least 50% must have been published in the last five years in arbitrated journals.

Author Guidelines

All articles published in Revista de Psicología are published under Creative Commons licences.

Publication guidelines

1. The articles must be sent together with this form with information about the manuscript.

2. Manuscripts must be in tune with the editorial line of the journal. Articles resulting from research projects are especially welcome.

3. The data reported in a manuscript should not be previously published, or being subject to review in other journals.

4. Explicitly state that every study carried out in the preparation of the manuscript was approved by a research ethics committee. This approval must appear in the section on participants / subjects.

5. Manuscripts must be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English.

6. Manuscripts must have a maximum of 8,000 words (including title, Author's note, tables, and figures).

7. Manuscripts must indicate details of all authors and research funding.

8. Manuscripts must follow the guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

9. Manuscripts must accomplish the Ethical Declaration of the Revista de Psicología.

10. Manuscripts should be submitted through this webpage (When filling the form, please check the “author” option) or emailed to

11. Photographs, pictures or figures must be sent on jpg format, and ideally they should not be smaller than 15x15 cm with a minimum resolution of 150pp.

Article's structure:

1. Title page. It corresponds to the first page of the manuscript and includes the following elements:

a. Title, in the language of the article and English (if the article is written in English, the title should be also in Spanish). The title should clearly reflect the main idea of the article and it should not have more than 12 words.

b. Running head (a short title that will be included in the header of every other page of the printed article).

c. Author's note:

- Degree, email and full name of each author, listed according to the degree of his or her contributions to the reported study.

- Institutional affiliation (institution where the authors conducted their research, department and university, in addition to city and country). If an author is not affiliated with an institution, indicate only city and country. Changes in affiliation, if applicable, should be included as follow: [Author's name] is currently at [affiliation].

- Acknowledges: identify projects, grants, and any other kind of funding.

- Corresponding author: indicate to whom communications about the article should be addressed, indicating name, address, and email.

2. Abstract: it must be written in the language of the article and English (if the article is written in English, the abstract should be also in Spanish), and should not have more than 200 words. It must contain: the research question (in one or two sentences), a description of the sample, design, participants (identifying relevant features of them such as gender and age), the important aspects of the method used, the main results, conclusions, and implications.

3. Keywords: they must be written in the language of the article and English (if the article is written in English, the keywords should be also in Spanish). All of them (minimum three and maximum five) should be in lowercase letters, with the exception of proper names and nomenclature.

4. Introduction: This section begins in a new page and has the purpose of introducing the research performed. It should include the statement of the problem and/or subjects to be addressed and the theoretical background. The definition of the problem should be clear and precise, including identifiable objectives and/or research hypothesis. It should indicate the relevance of the study for contemporary issues of public and discipline interest, in keeping with the editorial line of the journal. Theoretical background should be presented in a clear and relevant manner with regards to the problem, favoring the use of references published during the last five years in peer-reviewed journals.

5. Method: It should state the methodological approach used and its relevance for the research. Indicate the specific techniques of data collection, sample selection and composition, as well as clearly presenting the data analysis techniques used. An explicit statement should be made regarding the authorizations and ethical principles applied (if applicable). If statistical instruments and/or techniques are used, some of its essential metric aspects, such as robustness, efficiency, validity and reliability, should be specified. Relevance and rigor of the proposed design and coherence between theoretical framework, objectives and methodology used should be considered, as well as rigor in the use of instruments or techniques and consideration of ethical aspects, in line with international standards. A precise indication of the procedures used is required, as opposed to a general or theoretical-formal description.

6. Results: Results should be presented in accordance with the objectives and hypothesis proposed. They should be clearly exposed and add knowledge to the discipline or issue addressed.

7. Discussion and Conclusions: These sections should integrate a coherent and consistent analysis of the results, based on the literature presented in the introduction, as well as contribute with a critical approach of the subject matter. A current and critical discussion is expected.

8. References: References should especially support the introduction and discussion sections; it should be composed by recent sources and be presented in accordance with the Standards of the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. There must be national and regional references of women and scientific publications. They must be up-to-date, meeting one of the following criteria: a) at least one third must have been published in the last two years in peer-reviewed journals; b) at least 50% must have been published in the last five years in peer-reviewed journals.

In case of theoretical research articles:

For this research strategy, special care must be taken in the Discussion and Conclusions sections of the manuscript; the arguments presented by the authors should be clearly distinguishable from those of the references used. Only summarizing the theoretical background of the study is not enough. The argumentative body of the manuscript and its conclusions must demonstrate a logical and coherent structure, must have a relevant analysis of the problem and other contemporary issues (theoretical or practical), and must contribute to a critical discussion of the problem addressed.


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