Universal Assignment per Child and gender roles


  • Paola Bonavitta CONICET; Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Universidad de la Provincia de Córdoba


In recent decades, in Latin America in general and Argentina, in particular, "the social question" suffered a strong displacement. An overall analysis of the system, in terms of exploitation, distribution, etc., became an approach focused on the most vulnerable segment of the population. In Argentina, between 2009 and 2015, the State generated a series of measures and welfare policies of a universal character that identified social security as an inclusive central vector based on the rights approach. Some public policies aimed at alleviating the poverty condition are directed, for the most part, to women because they are the ones who are most at home, with families and children and because they are considered more responsible for expenses and care. This ends up improving the situation of poverty in the short term but does not generate strategies for future change or a stimulus for women to alter their material living conditions or to promote themselves in various activities. In this article we focus on the Universal Assignment per Child and its impact on the lives of women who perceive it.


Universal Assignment by Child, Gender, State, Asistentialism

Author Biography

Paola Bonavitta, CONICET; Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Universidad de la Provincia de Córdoba

Dra. en Estudios Sociales de América Latina, Mg. en Sociología y Lic. En Comunicación Social por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Diplomada en Feminismos políticos por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.