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Cybernetic and Aristotelian Causality in the Cognitive Biology of Humberto Maturana


  • Ricardo De la Cruz Gil Centro de Psicoterapia Breve Estratégica, Perú


The study of causality has historically been very important for science in general. Since the time of Aristotle, we have had a science based on linear or efficient causality, a concept that has been and continues to hold significance in positivist sciences. It serves as the foundation for modern science, as can be observed in Newton's mechanical models, classical physics, biology, and psychology, among many others that demonstrate its impact.This article aims to analyze the influence of Aristotle's thought and epistemology, as well as cybernetic causality, on Humberto Maturana's cognitive biology. We analyze that the motor causality proposed by Aristotle leads to the search for the causes and reasons behind things, thus constituting the basis of modern science. With cybernetics, circular causality is incorporated, contrasting with Aristotelian motor causality. From this perspective, the nervous system, cognitive processes, and perceptual processes are organized circularly and respond to circular causality. The influence of both Aristotelian and cybernetic causality can be found in the epistemology of Humberto Maturana.


Aristotle, Causality, Humberto Maturana, Epistemology, Cybernetics


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