New approaches for the analysis of social protection systems: The notion of institutional performance and its application to the Chilean pension system
The pension system of individual capitalization in Chile is an example of the transformations carried out in social security systems in the eighties, in Latin America and throughout the developing world. After a quarter century of its introduction this was seriously questioned regarding their impact on the elements considered his greatest strengths, which resulted in a reform that makes significant progress in the protection of the most vulnerable. However, the structure and the founding principles of the system remain largely intact. Posed the existence of a deficit at the conceptual and methodological approach as a major stumbling block that has influenced the failure of these systems and their reforms. This paper proposes the need to reconstruct the conceptual and analytical apparatus used by social scientists to account for social problems and the dynamics of protection set in motion the pension systems as social protection mechanisms. The concepts and relationships proposed are applied to exploratory analysis of performance for the case of the Chilean pension system, proposing a methodological strategy called "analysis of institutional performance."
Pension system, social protection, individual capitalization, institutional performance, Chile
Madariaga Espinoza, A., & Pérez Morgado, N. (2009). New approaches for the analysis of social protection systems: The notion of institutional performance and its application to the Chilean pension system. MAD, (20), 1–42. Retrieved from