The purpose of this article is to give a critical view of the relations between rural and urban realms under the light of what is called "new rurality". The discussion is posed around three thematic axes: 1) the role of the urban realm as a central component of the new concept of rurality; 2) the tendency for conforming hybrid rural-urban figures; and 3) the rise of new conflictive relations linked to the physical expansion of cities over the country. Some reflections on the ways in which the problem was approached, with emphasis on the need to understand rurality as a concept in permanent construction are given at the end.
new rurality, city-country relations, rural-urban articulation, rural pluriactivity, rural sociology
Author Biography
Marlon Javier Méndez Sastoque, Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Colombia
Méndez Sastoque, M. J. (2005). Contradiction, Complementarity and Hybridization in Relationships between the Rural and the Urban. MAD, (13), 45–70. Retrieved from