The present essay review explores the complexity of “desaparecidos” (dissapeared) in the last Argentinean dictatorship, known as Proceso de Reorganización Nacional (National Organization Project). The apparatus of state hosted, jailed, kidnapped and assassinated thousand of civilians without any formal trial according to the law. Several babies were passed to new families in the ignorance of their real identity. With the return of democracy, many organizations sought these children almost 40 years later. To what an extent ontologically one person may take a new identity beyond its biography? Our thesis is that “kirchnerismo” as a political project over-valorized the point of “nietos/as recuperados” (recovered grandsons and granddaughters) as a disciplinary mechanism of control to introduce a new way of producing power, where the world is cut in two contrasting realities.
Korstanje, M. (2014). Doubt and Reality: The Political Manipulation of Human Rights. MAD, (31), 73–92. Retrieved from