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Monism, integration, and dualism as general conceptions to handle sociological tensions


  • Pedro Giordano Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Gastón Becerra Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científica y Tecnológicas


In this paper we propose an analytical tool called "general conception" to refer to how different theoretical programs treat some discussions of sociology that could be understood as tensions between two poles. We identify three possible conceptions: monism, which accentuates one of the poles; integration, which links and synthesizes them; and dualism, which highlights their difference. We illustrate monism with the work of Alain Touraine; the integration with Pierre Bourdieu’s sociology; and dualism with Niklas Luhmann. To achieve this, each program is analyzed under three tensions: the definition of the scope of the discipline (individual/society), epistemological assumptions (knowledge/reality), and the meaning of sociology (description/criticism). In addition, to broaden this characterization, we briefly review some proposals by Francois Dubet, Danilo Martucelli, Anthony Giddens, George Ritzer and Margaret Archer. Finally, we argue that the general conception can be a useful tool to hypothesize an identity feature of the programs, establish links with others, and to examine their internal coherence to point out possible new theoretical questions.


General conceptions, Monism, Integration, Dualism, Systematic theory


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