The legal decision in times of the pandemic: systemic observations



During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Government of Brazil, a publicly and avowedly denialist government, adopted various measures in the face of the epidemic outbreak. Several of them led different political parties to file lawsuits against them in the Federal Supreme Court (STF). Our hypothesis is that this process does not represent a case of systemic corruption and that the pandemic did not generate a crisis of de-differentiation in the social systems. In this sense, we observe that these systems, as learning systems, operated their self-observation both at the operational and structural levels, and even in their own reflection in the face of the contingencies that arose during the pandemic. Thus, the complexity gradient (its system/environment and intersystemic relations) remained (re)stabilized in functionally differentiated terms and did not register problems of operational autonomy during the period. The first conclusion is that the theory of society as a communication system is a theoretical contribution fully applicable to the observation of regional objects in Latin America, even allowing us to observe communication at a distance from ontologisms, normativisms or ideologisms. The second conclusion is that our hypothesis has been proven because we have not failed to distinguish, for example, political communication from legal communication.


Social systems theory, Social isolation, Functional differentiation, Legal decision, Covid-19 pandemic


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