Culture as self-description of functionally differentiated society



The sociological concept of culture has been central to the development of the discipline. However, the concept in its sociological use is problematic in that it presupposes a certain invariance through which meanings are transmitted. As an alternative to this notion, this paper seeks to develop the idea that culture can be understood in the framework of social systems theory as a self-description of society, i.e. as an operative fiction whose function would be the reduction of complexity. Thus, the existence of culture can only be verified as part of the communicative phenomena on which we seek to reconstruct the meaning of the present. Additionally, it will seek to broaden the perspective of the idea of self-observation through the work of Peter Sloterdijk and his understanding of functional differentiation as a phenomenon of normative deficit that pushes for the self-plastic realisation of society. Finally, it will be argued that culture also performs an eulogical function, which means that it, through the exaltation (or exaggeration) of a group's virtues, hides the pretence of articulating consensuses that are sustained by the evocation of a mystified past and the production of the individual experiences necessary to give necessity to an otherwise contingent narrative.


Culture, Functional differentiation, Self-descriptions, Consensus, Contingency


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