Governance, crisis, and unintended consequences in international security systems



This article examines the production of governance for the management of risks and perils that affect society and States, through a type of international system known as the “regional security complex” (RSC). In light of Talcott Parsons' structural-functionalist theoretical paradigm, the possibilities that attend the unintended consequences of governance as a problem in the observation of international relations are explored, questioning the general understanding of it as an objective strategic of the social system, and of the crisis as a failure in the results sought. Then, an alternative study route is investigated based on Niklas Luhmann's theory of social systems, which proposes understanding governance as a systemic state of constant reduction of complexity, and crisis as a state of permanent critical transition in one's own references of each system.


Governance, Crisis, International systems, Regional security complex, Unintended consequences


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